The world is rapidly changing because of the onset of technology. New devices were being invented, newer structural designs were being implemented. Obsolescence or the process of being obsolete is getting shorter each day. An example would be cell phones, the latest model today would be obsolete one year from now. Because of newer models being introduced every six months, the rate of change and turnover is likewise fast.
The same is true for words. Now, the word "wiki" is as common as the word book. Wiki by definition is a website whose content can be edited by the visitors. Another new word is "widget" are those little things on a website that tells time, weather, jokes or stock market reports. And still another new word that is currently making the rounds of the internet is blogging or blog.
By definition the word "blog" is an abridgment of two words, web and log. A blog is a website maintained by an individual containing regular commentaries or opinions on an assortment of subjects from the mundane to the sublime. It is a form of on-line diary where the individual can put anything that he likes or dislikes, what he feels about a situation or on a person among others.
All bloggers or the person who does the blogging want to reach out to as many audience as possible. Bloggers want to be read and heard. They want their opinions and commentaries to be known by people around the world. They want their websites to be visited by as much as many visitors in a day.
But sadly, some blogs are not that popular with people and visitors alike. What could be the reason for this slow and lukewarm acceptance from the targeted people or audience. Listed below are some of the reason for this slow growth. Knowing the reason might give you some blogging tips for you to consider in making your website to be very busy in terms of the number of visitors.
- Boring Content. Obviously when people do not like what you are talking about or they are not interested at all, they will not attempt to visit the site again or worse they will tell their friends that your website is no good. Try to put your ears on the ground and feel what is popular nowadays. Try to learn what people are like to talk about. For bloggers this is the time to innovate, to be creative and to develop a fresh approach to everything. Do not just copy the success of other blogs. Try to stand out from among the clutter and create a brand that is truly you. Try to figure out who your target market is and from there research on what they like and their interests. This is called niche marketing, where you appeal to a specific target audience. This audience could be men, women, teens, professionals etc.
- Poor Promotion. Promotional activities are an important aspect for people trying to market their blogs. Promotional activities lets people know that your website exists and they should try visiting it. Your objective here is to gain loyal subscribers thru regular feedback and drawing comments. Promotions could be done thru networking with other websites. These websites can refer their visitors to your site. One thing that you can do is to be active in social networking sites. Social networking sites are a great way to reach a relatively good number of people in a short period of time.
- Being Inconsistent. One of the many pitfalls of writing a blog is the long lull from being productive in your blogs to writing nothing at all. This could happen because of inconsistency in writing the content of your site. Regular subscribers can easily tell if you are doing your work or not. If they can see that you are inconsistent in this aspect they will not return again to your website. One way to be consistent is to set a specific time in writing your blogs. Be specific and disciplined on your schedule to make your blogs truly worthwhile to read and comment on.
These are the basic blogging tips that you'll need if ever you would start your own blog. Remember, your objective in setting up your website is to attract as many subscribers as possible. Avoiding the above pitfalls can at least bring you to that objective.
Chris Braccus is a great copywriter and stresses on the importance of writing just the correct elements in order to capture the attention of short span readers.
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