Blogger BlogNet84761

The Number One Reason Why Most Websites Never Make Any Money!

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A lot of people have a big misconception when they hear it said that "it's easy to make money on the internet". It gives the wrong impression of ease so webmasters don't put forth the proper effort to make any real money with their websites. They think that it just means to get you a website, sell something, and watch the profits start rolling in. Well, the fact of the matter is that making money on the internet is easy, just not the kind of easy you're thinking about.

Internet marketing and other ways of making money online are defined as easy because compared to the huge task of starting your own real world brick and mortar business, running a website is a real breeze. You don't have to worry about inventory, staffing, or rent. The barrier to entry for owning a physical business is a lot higher than the $20/mo hosting fees and the $1.99/year domain registration. Another thing is that when you factor in the advertising cost difference between sending a hundred thousand direct mail pieces to real houses as opposed to emails, the simplicity and ease of the internet is clearly demonstrated. I mean, that's a few thousand envelopes to be sent out each with a printed brochure or other sales presentation. Not to knock on direct mail marketers, I still cannot see the advantages of one of those over an email address list that can instantly be reached for free.

Now so far we agree, that starting an online business is easy, but here is the catch. Starting an online venture is very easy compared to other businesses you could start, but NO business is easy to start. That's right, that's where a lot of people fail, when they decide not to treat their online business like a real business and just buy into the HYPE sold by many internet marketing gurus who make money selling people the false hope of easy money.

An internet Business requires real work and dedication and, just like a real world business, takes some time before making serious money. All those "make money in 24 hours" guides should warrant a raise of the eyebrow, but not the urge to buy, because its plain unpractical.

It takes a lot more than just setting up a website to make a living online or anything even close to that. That is the Number one mistake made by webmasters, just thinking the internet will do all the marketing for them. There are many more mistakes that the average website owner makes that leave his business penniless and without any visitors and most of these are simple ones too that would only take a few minutes to fix.

The main one in my opinion though, is the misconception that an online business doesn't warrant the time and dedication that any other business would, just because it is assumed to be easy.

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