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Life Insurance - No More Genetic Tests

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Finding life insurance can be difficult, especially during these difficult financial times. One thing customers need to be aware of is what will affect the cost of their life insurance; in 2001, a law was passed that meant insurers could not use the genetic tests that they had used in the past.

Previous to this, life insurers would take into account any hereditary illnesses in the family and each applicant would be judged on these genetic tests that would determine any illnesses in the family. This would have an affect on a customers' quote and it was becoming hard to find a competitively priced quote.

Nowadays, insurers can not do this and have to quote a customer depending on their lifestyle. This is good news for customers as it means they can do more to reduce the cost of their life insurance, either by stopping smoking, dieting or leading a healthier lifestyle in general.

It is something that people may think about avoiding at the moment given the credit crunch, but we are all urged to protect ourselves and our families against all eventualities. It is easy to compare life insurance deals at the moment as customers can go online and compare the leading insurers and their deals with minimal hassle and fuss.

We all want to cut down on our spending and finding cheap life insurance is possible with competitive deals around. Do all you can to ensure you find the best priced deals by living a healthier lifestyle. Consider your options when choosing the right deal for you and it is important to have enough cover in case of the unexpected.

With no genetic tests on life insurance quotes, customers can do their best to find cheap life insurance by altering their lifestyle. You can also compare life insurance quotes from the leading providers and find the most competitive deals around.

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