What MicroBlogging is??
Micro blogging as the word suggests is Blogging in small pieces. It allows you to write brief text updates (usually less than 200 characters) and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted group chosen by the user. The main attraction of microblogging is that you can submit your piece of text by variety of means, such as text messaging, instant messaging, email, MP3 or the web.
Twitter vs. Blogger
Twitter being the sole provider in the microblogging domain, like blogger in its macro counterpart, its easy to compare Twitter vs. Blogger as a representative.
Twitter has a much larger pool of available users than Blogger did. Blogger launched in August 1999 and Twitter almost 7 years later in March 2006. In the intervening time, hundreds of millions of people, the media, and technology & media companies have become familiar and comfortable with services like YouTube, Friendster, MySpace, Typepad, Blogger, Facebook, and GMail. Hundreds of millions more now have internet access and mobile phones. The potential user base for the two probably differed by an order of magnitude or two, if not more
You can blast 20 tweets in the time it takes to edit/proof read a blogger post. Twitter is very natural to adopt for bloggers who have no time on their hands to seriously post, but can still twitt when they have 30 seconds of downtime.
Some think that comparing Twitter messages to blogger posts is unfair, simply because it ignores all the comments. Part of blogging is the back-and-forth of commenting. With Twitter, its all message.
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